What does the bible say about offense?

The Bible says a lot about offense so let’s dig in…

Matthew 24:10 says And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

The Bible says not a few, not some, but many will be offended. Doesn’t it seem as if everyone, including ourselves, are offended these days? Offended because someone didn’t treat us up to our expectations, offended for being talked to in a certain tone, offended for a post put on social media..the list goes on and on.

When we walk in a selfish, non-agape love - we find ourselves dissapointed when our expectations are not met. If we have certain expectations about how people or a person should act and they fail to meet those expectations- it can leave us feeling rejected, bitter, hurt, and disappointed. We set ourselves up to be offended when we hold people to certain set of standards, that we deem as right.

When they fail to meet our standards, we set up walls to self protect to ensure that we won’t be hurt again. Yet these walls become our prison instead of our fortress. As a Christian, we become introspective and self seeking - which in turn can keep us from Agape - unconditional love. Because unconditional love, the kind Jesus showed, gives others opportunity to hurt us - will we stop loving because we are too scared to potentially get hurt?

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 tells us that these ungodly thoughts and sin can create strongholds in our mind because they set themselves up against the knowledge of God - His Truth.

These strongholds create patterns of thoughts and reasoning which we filter incoming information through - and that is where we get into trouble in our lives. When we filter information through hurt, betrayal, and offense it is impossible to please God and align with His likeness.

Offended people will find others and even scripture to back up their thoughts and position to prove themselves right. This is not the correct division of God’s Word. These people will puff up with pride and legalism - (1 Corinthians 8:1-3). “Knowledge” of God’s word without love, is weaponizing Scripture and can be a very destructive force. Instead of repenting, confessing, and asking for forgiveness - the offended will justify themselves. This in turn leads to a mindset in which we can be deceived, because knowledge of Scripture without love will lead to deception - and can bring a myriad of consequences. The offended mindset left untreated, will lead to anger which will lead to hatred.

Thought to ponder: If we are offended, unforgiving, revengeful, bitter and angry and refuse to repent of this sin - we have not come to the full knowledge of the truth, which is the Word of God. We are in deception. No matter what you may tell yourself - your fruit tells a different story. Today is the day - He is just to forgive us and cleanse us if we confess our sins. What are you waiting for?

*If you are struggling with the root of offense - subscribe to my email list so you can learn about upcoming workshops on this topic and more.


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