New Year New You?

Welcome to 2023 - During the start of each New Year, it is common for us to want a new beginning or a fresh start. The trend for many, is to make resolutions to start the year off right. According to Google, the top three resolutions are exercise more, lose weight, and get organized. After reading the remaining top ten, there is one glaring thing absent - where does God fit in? Where does spiritual growth fit in?

Many of us are so consumed with our physical image and material things that we negate to focus on the one thing that truly matters. The Bible says “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:23. Sometimes its the little words that mean the most. “all of these things will be added unto you” - yet most of us, if were honest, put God somewhere at the bottom.

If…..we have time we read His word, If… we have time we pray , If… we have time we worship Him. Yet, He tells us that If…we seek Him first He’ll add everything else to us. It’s those little words.

So, while resolutions or goals are good to have, if we don’t consider God in that process - we can fail spiritually and be misled. Why is that?

Because, the Bible says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” - Proverbs 3:5-6. He is the one that shows us and directs us on how to proceed forward in our life. Even if that means losing weight, eating healthy, or exercising more…by putting God first, He will then help you through these things and “add them unto you.”

He guides our path, He reveals wisdom and understanding, He gives us direction and insight. Think about what you would like to do different this year in your life, now rearrange that and put God at the top. Prioritize your life to seek God first and watch how your life changes. But how do we seek Him?

We seek Him through His Word, in worship, prayer time, and fellowship with other believers. But this can seem overwhelming to many. Remember, quality over quantity - many of us think we need to read the Bible for hours, memorize scripture, help out at church, sing worship songs, and pray all day. While many of us desire to do this and some of us do, most feel inundated at the thought of that.

God is concerned with our heart not with how much we can do - which can lead to “works” focused faith. Just start with one - two scripture readings in the morning, try to memorize one of them a week, talk and pray with God before you start your day, worship him with music, gather with other spiritually mature believers that will refine you in your walk. Re-evaluate after a month, have you changed? Do you desire Him more? Are you showing the fruit of the Spirit?

In conclusion, as we start this new year, let’s reflect and think of the past year, its problems, its tragedies, and its blessings. This year, let’s prioritize to put God first, seeking Him above all else so “all of these things” can be added unto us as well. Then continue on with Him and see how He shifts your life.

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