Identity + belief +Thoughts

What you find your identity in, your beliefs, and your thoughts will either allow you to grow stronger in Christ or hinder your growth.

When we first come to Christ we are given the free gift of salvation - “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.“(Romans 10:9. However, Paul also tells us that we need to continue standing firm in the Truth (God’s Word) “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”(Galations 5:1).

We need to continue renewing our minds in Christ, taking captive all of our thoughts, and submitting them to Scripture. We receive the Holy Spirit and are born again, however there are still hangups we have and these are mostly in our mind. These are those ungodly thoughts like “no-one will ever love me,” “everything I do I fail at,” “I will never lose weight,” “no-one cares about me or what I think,” God will never forgive me,” or “why is God doing this to me?”

What are some of the thoughts you say to yourself on a daily basis or when you go through a trial? If they do not align with God’s Word and who He says you are and who He is - then they are a lie and a “high imagination, that sets itself up against the knowledge of God” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Take inventory of your thoughts and beliefs for a week. Write down some of the things that run through your mind about yourself, others, and God. Do they align with what Scripture says about how God sees you, how you should treat others, or about who God is?

We also need to take inventory of what we base our identity in and on. If we find identity in a relationship with a man or woman, or in our career, our looks, or perhaps in what a personality test tells us - does this align with God’s will? What happens when that relationship fails, you lose your job, or you start to lose your beauty/physique - if your identity is built in that, then you may fall into depression or confusion.

This is why the Word says “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33). Does the Word say “some things will be added unto you?” No, it says all - so we can be sure that He does mean “all these things will be added unto you.” Our identity is built in who Christ says we are, not who we say we are. Be sure you know Biblically who you are in Christ.

Take inventory of what you base your identity in/on for a week. Write down what you put first above God - your job, relationship, looks. Do they align with Scripture and who you are in Christ?

If we don’t challenge ourselves and self reflect, we can find ourselves still in a spiritual bondage of sorts in our minds. We need to continue renewing our mind. Pauls says “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2). This is an ongoing process that doesn’t stop for anyone that follows Christ, until Jesus returns or He takes us home. Especially those that have come from extreme trauma, addiction, and occultic backgrounds - it is important to combat thoughts and beliefs with Scripture.

True freedom comes with the Holy Spirit and with Scripture. As John 8:32 says - “Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.”

*Please subscribe to learn about upcoming workshops on this topic. If you need counsel to help unpack these areas - I’d be honored to work with you.


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