Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I prepare for my session?

No preparation is required, however it is recommended to have a list of concerns, frequently experienced negative emotions, and current struggles. It is also encouraged to bring a notebook and pen/pencil to take notes from the meeting. Honesty and openness is always important, as that will help determine potential root problems and a productive plan of action moving forward.

how can I ensure my privacy?

By scheduling an appointment you are agreeing with the condition that all zoom or phone sessions are confidential and private. The counselor and client will be the only individuals privy to the conversation. There will be no exceptions for recording or sharing of information. No medical records are obtained, nor is there any other information shared with any other medical or health professional. There is also no medical advice given.

What areas & age do you specialize in?

Counselees can include but are not limited to children, teens, young adults, adults and elders. Marriage and individual counseling and coaching are available. Areas covered can include but aren’t limited to: anxiety, depression, addiction, phobias, relationships (marriage etc), eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, sexual abuse, childhood sexual abuse, behavioral issues, coping strategies, anger management, and more. Please reach out if you have any questions.

Do Biblical Christian Counselors differ from other counselors?

Biblical Christian counselors will differ from secular counselors in their methodologies and interpretation of the data collected during the session. Christian counselors will take a Biblical Christian approach and will use the Bible as their baseline for formulating approaches for clients. Biblical counselors are not required to be state licensed. Sometimes, this can be beneficial, as state licensing can require abiding by laws that will morally conflict with Biblical responses to the issue or problem. Many Christian counselors, will have countless hours of experience under pastoral care, on mission trips, and in churches counseling or teaching that will further enhance their ability to counsel.

Also, Biblical counselors, are less likely to rely on secular psychological techniques. Instead, they may encourage prayer, the reading or memorization of Bible verses, or other exclusively faith-based approaches to help clients resolve issues. Secular psychology starts on a flawed premise that men are basically born good, but their environment shapes them into flawed, confused people. Where as, Biblical doctrine is in direct opposition to that. The Bible says that we are born sinners and that it is only by the grace of God that we can be changed.