Why We Repent?

Why is repentance such a hard concept for us to grasp as Christians? Do we really know how crucial it is to living a changed life? We need to understand what Jesus means when He says, "I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." ~ Luke 5:32. What does this really look like? If we haven’t seen change in our lives and are growing frustrated or distant from God- it begins here.

Let’s define what repentance is first - in the Old Testament we read this powerful verse in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” This word “sub” in the Hebrew is used very frequently in this context of turning around, returning, turning back. This idea is literally going in one direction and doing a 180 and going in the opposite direction. This is often used when God is speaking through his prophets to the nation of Israel when they have gone astray and started serving false idols.

In the New Testament this word repentance, as spoken of in the above verse in Luke, is the Greek word “metanoia.” This word denotes again, this change - specifically a change in one’s mind. This is where we get the word metamorphosis -a butterfly’s process from a caterpillar. What a great visual for the believer in Christ - it is this idea of a renewing of mind, a changing from the old to the new man, as Paul says.

But where do we go next? How do we apply this in our lives in an authentic way? It begins with the heart posture. God is concerned about the heart, not just lip service. When we rattle off an “Im sorry prayer” to the Lord and turn around and do the same thing over again, we are abusing the freedom we have in Christ. For those of you that found yourself in a position of truly feeling sorry for wronging your parents as a child or hurting someone you love - you know when you mean it and when you don’t.

Same holds true with God, we can say we are sorry but do we turn away from that sin? Do we do everything in our power to not put ourselves in positions that might cause us to fall into that same sin again? Essentially our actions need to back up our words. We read in 1 Chronicles that with repentance comes humility, prayer, and a seeking of the one true God… then He hears from heaven and forgives. We have free choice in this process, but God is faithful when we do come to Him in humility and repentance - He hears us.

Many of us want the benefits of God’s forgiveness and blessing, but don’t want to give up the things our flesh enjoys, like letting go of old habits and friends. There is no real heart change, it is simply abusing the fact that you know God will forgive you after you sin. If you find yourself in this position, you might need to analyze your life. Do you really know the value of the sacrifice Jesus made for you on the cross, because when we do- we don’t want to sin against Him.

Sometimes there are other things at play, specifically when it comes to deep hurts, addictions, and strongholds in our lives that are keeping us from breaking free. This is a time when you reach out to a mature believer in the faith. You ask them to pray with you, you confess to them, and they hold you accountable. You may even need to, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, go into deeper spiritual warfare in certain areas of your life. This may require discipleship and counseling to help identify areas you may not be able to see on your own.

No matter the case - repentance starts with the heart. John tells us that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. ~ 1 John 1:9. Ask the Lord to soften your heart in the areas where you may have become hardened to repentance and He will lovingly lead you back to Him.

**If you are struggling with repentance in your life or struggling in other areas - schedule an appointment today and let’s create an action plan to help you. Also be sure to subscribe to receive newsletters about upcoming workshops on this topic and more!


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