How to deal with Anxiety

Many of us struggle with anxiety on varying levels in our life. Anxiety can take on many forms - such as worry, dread, fear, a racing heartbeat, and it can even keep us from sleeping at night. But knowing how to deal with that anxiety is another question. Society will offer many options such as alcohol, pills, or other worldly remedies - but these can lead us to become even more anxious. Therapists and well meaning counselors, will advise you to meditate or join a yoga class to reduce stress and anxiety. But what does God’s Word tell us to do?

Scripture gives us the answer. Because, without finding the root of what is causing the anxiety, we are merely putting a band-aid on it. We have to look at what the heart motive is that is driving the anxiety and fear. Let’s look to Matthew 6:25 - it tells us to “take no thought (worry) for your life, what you will eat or what you will drink”. The verses continue on through to 6:34 which says “do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things.”

But it is really Matthew 6:30 that gives us the clue about what the root of anxiety is all about - 6:30 says “O ye of little faith.” In other words, Jesus is telling us that what drives anxiety is this root of unbelief or doubt in our Heavenly Father. According to Hebrews 3 - Paul tells us to take heed of the heart of unbelief, lest it lead us away from the Living God. But, this seems like unsettling news for the believer - does this mean that we don’t have faith in God?

Discovering that the culprit according to scripture is unbelief is actually good news. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have faith, it just means your faith is under attack. The good news is we can now strategically put in place an action plan with Scripture and prayer that directly hit unbelief.

So how do we do this? Let’s look at an example: When we are anxious about a risky new venture, meeting or event, we immediately battle the unbelief with the promise: “Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God; I will help you, I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand” Isaiah 41:10.

We continue to pour the ointment of scripture over that wound of unbelief by speaking it with authority over us and out loud - until it dissipates. Remember we need to attack the enemy with the spoken Word, this is how we defeat him. Be specific and precise in your prayer and with Scripture. Have an action plan of verses ahead of time so you are prepared. Put them to memory and mostly, don’t give up - “He who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ.” 1 Phillipians 1:6

* If you are struggling with anxiety, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for upcoming workshops on this topic and more. Don’t walk this alone - if you need Christian counsel, make an appointment today.


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